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Social and Therapeutic Horticulture

"Therapeutic gardening can help bring about positive changes in the lives of people living with disabilities or ill health, or who are isolated, disadvantaged or vulnerable"


This programme involves working with our 'Thrive' trained support staff ( in the Sailship holistic gardens, greenhouses and classrooms.

Bespoke plans are created to work towards individual outcomes to include

improved health, wellbeing, communication and thinking skills.


The garden is used as a safe and secure environment in which therapeutic gardening and where appropriate, counselling, is available for improved mental health. Also to help develop the ability to socialise, gain practical skills, increase confidence, well-being and self-esteem, which, in turn, can support people to become more independent and self-reliant


Gardens offer peace and tranquility needed for rehabilitation and recovery. Being given the opportunity to develop an interest in
gardening will give benefits that can last a lifetime.

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